New Land Therapy

Reasons Why Smiling are Beneficial to Your Health

6 Big Benefits of Smiling Many see smiling simply as an involuntary response to things that bring you joy or inspire laughter. While this is certainly true, it overlooks an important point: Smiling can be a conscious, intentional choice. What does psychology have to say about smiling? Whether your smile is genuine or not, it […]

Breathing Exercises for Children

When you tell a child to take a deep breath, do they ever start to hyperventilate? Alternatively, do they inhale but not exhale? Children might occasionally need extra assistance learning how to take deep breaths correctly. Your body goes into “rest and digest” mode when you are calm. Your heart rate, breathing, and muscular relaxation […]

Everyone Feels Angry Sometimes

Everyone gets angry sometimes, especially at work, right? Picture this: You have a deadline approaching, you’re drowning in emails, and then all of a sudden… A coworker leaves you with yet another assignment.  You feel like the Hulk is about to take control as frustration builds and your heart begins to race. Hey, it’s okay […]